Copyright © Maniac Fit

my love for fitness...

It began years ago. Back in school, hardly a day went by when my feet didn't touch a field or a court. And today, even after five pregnancies, I still haven’t lost the fitness bug. I call it a love of fitness. Others - including my family - might call it an addiction.  Although my days of organized team sports are behind me, some of my new favorite activities include weight training, spinning, hiking, skiing, and paddle boarding.

As a Certified Personal Trainer, I help clients with their fitness goals on a one-to-one basis. Four years ago, I was trained by a personal trainer and entered in a National Physique figure competition where I won four different competitions. This inspired me to launch a Boot Camp program to help others get in shape. I’m passionate about personal training because I’ve experienced the results it can bring. 


Many of my clients are parents, and I tell all mothers and mothers-to-be that they should work out before and during pregnancy (with the physician’s blessing, of course). It helps moms get back in shape after that little bundle of joy arrives. That goes for the daddies, too – you’ll need the energy to keep up with your little ones.


I am energetic and motivated – even on those days when you’re not. Please check out my fitness programs and follow me on Facebook for nutrition and motivational tips!

Meet michelle

Client testionials


I believe that taking care of your body with fitness and nutrition determines how great you can truly feel. Make fitness a part of your life. You are worth it. There’s no time to waste - let’s get healthy now!


There’s no time to waste - let’s get healthy now!



"I have been attending Michelle’s bootcamp for the past 6 months. I have seen an incredible transformation in my body. Not only have I lost pounds, but more importantly inches. I am able to wear clothes now that I haven’t worn in years. All of my pants fit more loosely and I couldn’t be happier. I continue to see my body change week by week. Michelle is awesome at what she does. She has a love of fitness and helping people reach their goals. Being a mom, she understands how hard it can be to incorporate working out in an already busy day, therefore she targets specific muscle groups so that you get a whole body workout. Michelle has also given me important diet tips to really help me slim down my stomach area (which is usually a problem area for moms). Attending Michelle’s bootcamp classes have been an awesome experience!"

Kelly, Phoenix AZ

Next Testimonial...


Phoenix, AZ


Phoenix, AZ

(602) 550-3441


(602) 550-3441

Studio Location: 

2012 W. Chimney Rock Rd.

Phoenix, AZ 85085